Medical Advisor is a web application studied on the referring sector and it aimed to:
Have a complete evaluation of the agencies and of the sanitary expertise available;
Bottom – up evaluation of job and assistantship performances on the single subject (structure/doctor/healthcare staff);
Its own advertising and promotion;
Quality job enhancement and not performing structures penalization;
Clear and meritocratic evaluation system, able to reward the expertise and the best structures;
Facilitate the meeting between job demand and offer.
Medical Advisor previews the creation of vertical gateway having the following features:
Respect of the accessibility norms and usage WAI/W3C;
Clear and simple language;
User – friendly feature that allows user to easily find whatever he is looking for, minimizing the risk of confusion and the difficulty in surfing the net.
According to the norms included in the Tired Low (L.4/2009);
Responsive, which means adaptable to the main modern devices (smartphone, tablet, pc, TV).